I practice and research innovative methods of improvisation, instant composition and the creative potential of group interaction.
Eurhythmics as a unique transdisciplinary field of artistic-educational practice and research unites the many facets of my artistic and mediating actions and creative techniques and exploration. It not only introduces new approaches of improvisation, instant composition and innovational techniques for music and movement interventions, it also unfolds the wide potential of interacting, creating and teaching in heterogeneous groups.
My professional education included extensive studies of the choreomusical work for experimental and contemporary music by (and with) Gisela Schwartz followed by close collaborations with both Prof. Dorothea Weise (Berlin University of the Arts) and Prof. Marianne Steffen-Wittek (University of Music Franz Liszt LISZT Weimar) with whom I shared artistic, conceptual and education-related topics.
From 2017 to 2022 I was head of the department of Music & Movement/Rythmics at the University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna and have since had the opportunity to collaborate with Rose Breuss, William Edouard Franck, Johannes Hiemetsberger, Markus Kupferblum, Adrián Artacho Bueno, Mariama Diagne, Leonhard Horstmeyer, Elisabeth Orlowsky, Jutta Goldgruber, Verena Zeiner, Milly Groz, Simon Oberleitner and Dominik Grünbühel among others.
Selected Publications

Virtual Cues - Sharing Music Related Dance Practice in an Online Setting
Adrián Artacho Bueno & Hanne Pilgrim
Erschienen in: Tanzen/ Teilen – Sharing/ Dancing (Jahrbuch Tanzforschung 2022)
Fokus als fundamentale Kraft in musikbezogenen Bewegungshandlungen -
Skizzen zur mentalen Navigation in der Choreografie these. things. again
Erschienen in: Fachzeitschrift Rhythmik Schweiz, 2022

Reframing Space in Networked Practice – a Chat from the Sewing Box
Erschienen in: Le Rythme, 2021
Since the beginning of the global pandemic, higher education institutions and artists all over the world have embraced distance learning and virtual meetings as more or less provisional solutions. In the case of eurhythmics education, everyday practice had to be adapted overnight – quite a challenge for a discipline based on body work, live music making and social collaboration. Almost one year into this situation, it is time for us to evaluate our experiences in networked eurhythmics practice, not as a lesser alternative to traditional (co-located) one, but as a highly expressive medium in its own right. In particular, we explore different ways to articulate the shared virtual space and reframe its limitations as available affordances for artistic expression. This article presents the preliminary results of the ongoing artistic research project “Social d[ist]ancing” at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna.
Autoren: Hanne Pilgrim, Adrián Artachoh, Hrsg.: FIER (Fedération Internationale des Enseignantes de Rythmique), Erscheinungsjahr: 2021, ISSN 2664-018X

Improvisation and Transformation – A Look at Two Phenomena in the Study of Rhythmics
Erschienen in: mdw Magazin
„Aesthetic transformation is characterised by highly individual ways of perceiving and being affected by the expressive media6 of music, the human body, imagery, and language. The attempt to affect an analogue portrayal of the aesthetic statement made by one medium (the body) via a second, different medium (music) is of great interest as an object of research, since these expressive media are beholden to laws both similar and different. Which is to say: How can the body (as a phenomenon anchored in space) be translated into music (which is a phenomenon that exists only within temporal structures)? How can events situated in space, time, force, and form be expressed musically as well as via movement?“ (Excerpt)
Autoren: Hanne Pilgrim, Jutta Goldgruber-Galler, Nora Schnabl, Herta Hirmke-Toth, Hrsg.: mdw – Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien, Erscheinungsjahr: 2018
Transfer. Perform. Transform - Betrachtungen zur Transformation in der Rhythmik
Erschienen in: Rhythmik – Musik und Bewegung – Transdisziplinäre Perspektiven
Autor: Hanne Pilgrim, Hrsg.: Marianne Steffen-Wittek, Dorothea Weise, Dierk Zaiser, Verlag: transcript, Erscheinungsjahr: 2019, ISBN: 978-3-8376-4371-8
Moving Messiaen - Skizzen zu einer Lecture Performance.
Erschienen in: Klänge in Bewegung – Spurensuchen in Choreografie und Performance
Autoren: Maria Hector, Dorothea Weise und Hanne Pilgrim, Hrsg.: Sabine Karoß, Stephanie Schroedter, Verlag: transcript, Erscheinungsjahr: 2019, ISBN: 978-3-8394-3991-3
Spielgesten als sichtbares und schöpferisches Element in improvisierter Musik
Erschienen in: Improvisation – Reflexionen und Praxismodelle aus Elementarer Musikpädagogik und Rhythmik